Thursday, June 30, 2011

Hillary week 27

Between Hillary's baby-moon and my trip to IL, we missed a few weeks. I saw Hillary quite a bit this week, so there's pictures from three different days here. This week she was really wanting to get the nursery as done as she could, and I'm glad I got to help!

Getting the nursery ready for painting...

Keeping the baby safe with the mask!


Jasper did not like that he couldn't come in the room!

Two friends for baby...

The next day I was at Hillary's because she was hosting a Stella & Dot party. She had pickles, and after the party she was talking about how she couldn't stop eating the pickles (I couldn't stop eating cookies!). I of course then just had to take some pickle-eating pictures!

I went to Hillary's two days later to help her finish the curtains. I didn't do anything, but Hillary did a great job!!


Hillary said...

Jackie these pics made me smile so much. I love that you are capturing everything that is going on with preparing for a baby. lol the posed belly pics and the scary white trash pic with the gas mask. hahahahaha i LOVE these!

Rebecca said...

Hey - I love those relaxing-with-a-pickle shots. Also, so creative with those curtains Hillary.

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